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Amish Mittal

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I am currently a Founding Software Engineer at

Previously, I was a Research Fellow (RF) at Microsoft Research Lab India (MSRI) where I worked with Dr Venkat Padmanabhan and Dr Akshay Nambi on Systems and Networks, and Optimization, particularly for Indoor Positioning Systems and AV Call Diagnostics.

I completed my B.Tech. in Computer Science from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Patna where I spent some excellent four years of my life. My thesis supervised by Prof. Jimson Mathew received the Institute Proficiency Prize for Best Bachelor Thesis among students graduating in 2022.

During my bachelors, I interned at MIT Media Lab,, and was a Google Summer of Code (GSoC) student.

Please feel free to check out my resume and drop me an email!

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Jun '24  

Joined as a software engineer.

Nov '23  

Decided not to apply for a PhD.

Jul '23  

Filed my first ever US patent!

Apr '23  

Our paper HyWay accepted at IMWUT/UbiComp 2023!

Mar '23  

Bill Gates demoed our project in his visit to MSRI!

Jan '23  

Our work at MSRI was praised heavily by Satya Nadella in the All Employees India Townhall!

Dec '22  

Awarded the Institute Proficiency Prize for Best Bachelor Thesis at Convocation 2022.

Jul '22  

Started working as a Research Fellow at Microsoft Research Lab India!

Jun '22  

Our paper at AI-NLP-ML Lab, IIT Patna got accepted at IJDL!

May '22  

Spent my last day at IIT Patna reminiscing the previous years.

Jun '21  

Alzheimer’s detection paper accepted for presentation at BIOKDD (co-SIGKDD 2021)! It can be viewed here!

May '21  

Selected to attend the Eastern European Machine Learning (EEML) Summer School organized by DeepMind.

Apr '20  

Selected as the Coordinator of our Computer Science society - NJACK!

Indian Institute of Technology Patna
Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science Engineering
July '18 - May '22

Awards: Institute Proficiency Prize for Best Bachelor Thesis

Student Societies:

  • General Secretary (UGR) | Academic and Career Council, Students' Gymkhana
  •                           Coordinator | NJACK - Computer Science society
  •                                    Member | Anwesha - Annual cultural festival

Founding Software Engineer |
Jun '24 - Present

Research Fellow | Microsoft Research Lab India
Jul '22 - May '24

Advisor: Dr Venkat Padmanabhan and Dr Akshay Nambi
My work spans across Systems and Networks, ML and Optimization, particularly for Indoor Positioning Systems and AV Call Diagnostics.

Research Affiliate | MIT Media Lab
Jul '21 - Nov '21

Fluid Interfaces Group. Building the unsupervised machine learning and software engineering components to create Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) for realtime-feedback in assistive devices.

Software Engineer Intern |
Jun '21 - Aug '21

Worked on the video call recording infrastructure of a venture-backed SaaS startup providing insights on participants’ emotions. Also built user authorization and asynchronous data pipeline to communicate with Microsoft Graph Calendar API.

Google Summer of Code (GSoC) | Rocket.Chat
May '19 - Sep '19

Designed and developed a prototype "Newsfeed" (a social networking feature) for the Open Source application Rocket.Chat.

HyWay: Enabling Mingling in the Hybrid World

Harsh Vijay, Saumay Pushp, Amish Mittal, Praveen, ... , Ajay Manchepalli, Venkat Padmanabhan
UbiComp/IMWUT 2023

We present HyWay, short for "Hybrid Hallway", to enable mingling and informal interactions among physical and virtual users, in casual spaces and settings, such as office water cooler areas, conference hallways, trade show floors, and more. Key to the design of HyWay is bridging the awareness gap between physical and virtual users, and providing the virtual users the same agency as physical users.

*Author order reverse alphabetical

ScienceQA: A Novel Benchmark Resource for Question Answering on Scholarly Articles

Tanik Saikh, Tirthankar Ghosal, Amish Mittal, Asif Ekbal, Pushpak Bhattacharyya
International Journal of Digital Libraries (IJDL), 2022

We introduce a semi-automated dataset having more than 100k human-annotated context-question-answer triplets to facilitate question answering (QA) on scientific articles. Secondly, we implement QA models based on BERT, SciBERT and a combination of SciBERT and BiDAF and evaluate the results on our dataset. The best model obtains an F1 score of 75.46%.

Multi-Modal Detection of Alzheimer's Disease from Speech and Text

Amish Mittal*, Sourav Sahoo*, Arnhav Datar*, Juned Kadiwala*, Hrithwik Shalu, Jimson Mathew
20th International Workshop on Data Mining in Bioinformatics (BIOKDD) with SIGKDD 2021

Reliable detection of the prodromal stages of Alzheimer's disease (AD) remains difficult even today because there is no definitive diagnosis of AD in vivo. We propose a multimodal deep learning method that utilizes speech and the corresponding transcript simultaneously to detect AD. The proposed method achieves 85.3% 10-fold cross-validation accuracy on the Dementiabank Pitt corpus.

*Authors contributed equally
In collaboration with JCBC, University of Cambridge, UK

Making Gradient Descent non-monotonic over gradient (Bachelor Thesis)

[thesis]  [slides]  [code]

Advisor: Prof Jimson Mathew
A novel non-monotonic gradient descent optimizer which aims to reduce the number of divergences while using gradient descent, along with its theoretical and empirical validation.

Decoding quantum states through nuclear magnetic resonance


Machine Learning for Physics. Built a model to predict the coupling parameters associated with nuclei and electrons given their time-dependent magnetization curve from a spin-echo NMR experiment. Created a weighted ensemble model comprising of 1. Random Forest over statstical time-series features, 2. InceptionTime, and 3. a custom CNN to achieve an R2 value of 0.992 and 0.997 for predictions on coupling strength and dissipation parameters respectively.

Assembler and Emulator for custom machine


Developed an assembler and an emulator for a custom architecture machine consisting of 2 registers, 1 program and stack counter, and some select mnemonics using C++. The assembler can handle comments and data in different numerical bases and can detect multiple errors and warnings in the assembly code as expected. The emulator loads the object file created from the assembler and can trace machine code and produce the memory dump along with identifying runtime errors.

Prototype Multiplayer Parkour Video Game


Created the prototype of a functional multiplayer parkour video game using Unreal Engine 4; along with tutorial videos for it. Used State Machines to control behaviour and animations. It was my first attempt to learn about behaviour states and OOPs. Programming Language used - C++.

Last updated: Jun 24, 2024

This template is a modification to Jon Barron's website. It has further been modified by Rishab Khincha. Find the source code to my version here. Feel free to clone it for your own use while attributing the original author Jon Barron.

As a policy, I don't indulge with Ed-Tech for-profit companies. See non-exhaustive list here.